Special Series – Wretched John – Episode 4 – Prone to Wander

Escaping the horrendous North Atlantic storm that nearly took his life, John emerged with a newfound faith in Christ. But the days ahead were far from smooth sailing. As with many new believers, those early first steps of following Christ are filled with faltering stumbles of spiritual immaturity and well laid snares by an unseen enemy. But them all, God is able to recover John again and again and by astounding providences bring him to a place of obtaining the love of his life.

10 comments on “Special Series – Wretched John – Episode 4 – Prone to Wander

  1. Sharon Burgin says:

    So glad to hear your voice and the testimony of this wonderful inspiration podcast. God bless you and thank you.

  2. Bryan says:

    My family and I have enjoyed this series and along with the other podcasts as well

    1. Ronnie Brown says:

      Thanks for listening Bryan! God bless!

    2. Patty says:

      I just listened to episodes 1-4 of Wretched John but can’t find episode 5. Is it posted yet? I just discovered your podcast and have really enjoyed it. I plan to start listening from the very beginning while on my walks. Thank you for sharing your gift of faith and storytelling.

      1. Nina Jones says:

        Love your podcast, keep up the wonderful work! Glory be to God!

  3. Robert says:

    Looking forward to episode 5 of wretched John, Lord bless you.

  4. Pamela says:

    I’m so looking forward to the next episode of Wretched John. Thank you for bringing the details of Newton’s life into this wonderful podcast.

  5. Speechless, this really moved me to the core, specially Daniel Nash story, I’m normally not fond of writing feedback, been truly blessed.

    God bless!

    1. Ronnie Brown says:

      I praise God it was a blessing! Thankful for your kind comment. God bless!

  6. Robert Wray says:

    When will you release episode 5

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