
Episode 42 – Dutton Lane

Burrage Lane made sure his hunting rifle was loaded with dry shot, then he slid the weapon into his saddle. Anger boiled within him, as he looked at the gun. The man he was there to find had to be stopped at all costs because what he was spouting from behind that pulpit was poison,…

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Episode 40 – John Harper

John quickly kissed the forehead of his daughter and handed her to the crewman, who then handed her to Jesse. When Nana saw that her daddy was not following, she began to cry and scream, “Daddy! Daddy! No! Don’t leave me!” Through the blur of tears in her eyes, she saw her daddy, turn and…

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Episode 14 – Jerry McAuley

Jerry was one of those back alley homeless and nameless people that shop owners and townspeople wish would vanish into thin air. He was a misfit, a thief and all around menace to society. He thought that somehow he had outstretched the bounds of the love of God. This episode is dedicated to Travis Sharpe…

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Episode 08 – Robert Jermain Thomas

Success is defined as a person or thing that achieves desired aims. One way or another we all want to be successful. But what if we have it all wrong when it comes to the measure of success? What if success or failure as a child of God is not left in our hands or…

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Episode 05 – Watchman Nee

There are those times when we as believers long for God to come and show His power for all to see. We want the equivalent of a high noon, center of town, in the middle of the street showdown. There are moments when we want the great God of heaven to enter the scene of…

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Episode 04 – The Red River Meeting House

An event took at this log cabin out in the middle of nowhere, on the far edge of fledgling nation, in a region of the country filled with criminals and fugitives that defies the imagination. An event that not only had a profound effect on the local area of Logan County Kentucky, or the frontier…

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