Titus Coan and Looking to Jesus

Learned something interesting today. Titus Coan was a Missionary to the sandwich islands arriving there in 1835. He was at the center of a powerful awakening on the island where 13000 of the 16000 inhabitants we’re converted to Christ.
In 1881, Coan suffered a stroke which rendered him bedridden for the last eight weeks of his life. During this time he was asked if he had any fears of death and the after life. He replied,

“When I look at myself, I see no reason why I should be in heaven; when I look at Jesus, I see such a Savior I have no fears, not one, not one.”

He died on December 1, 1881. His last whispered word was “Jesus!”

Along those same lines, I was listening to a message by my pastor Ken Trivette from 1989 entitled A Wagon Train Revival. It’s from the text where Jacob was in formed by his son’s that Joseph was alive and he doubted. But when he saw the wagons filled with the supplies from the King, he had no doubt. When we look inside of us, we may be filled with doubt, but when we look at the truck loads of the resurrection blessings the word of God, the Spirit of God, the salvation of God, the tangible blessings of God’s provision, we can’t help but say, “He’s Alive! He’s Alive!” And I’m going to see Him someday!” Whew! Glory!

1 comment on “Titus Coan and Looking to Jesus

  1. Brian Andrews says:

    I remember hearing Evangelist Buster Seaton preach : “See That Ye Fall Not Out of The Way”
    Happy New Year Preacher!

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